"Knowledge is Light Education is Life"


The ocean Global school was founded in 2018. This is non - Governmental educational organization. This is dedicated to indicate in it's a students of efficiency, excellently, trust and commitments in accordance with the national value and aspiration. Children are the future of the nation however in the light of this fact and with the aim of "knowledge is light and education is life” The school is decided to serve the nation and our society with the great zeal and fueled by moral value. This organization has its unique service is not only distrust ignorance and illiteracy, but also producing good citizen of our nation to serve the country in their own way.

All round development of an individual physical development, social development and mental developmental and spiritual aspects of personality. Our aim is to help children realize their inner strength and give them a conductive environment to grow.


Our mission is to vacillate and teach the student to reach the highest standards of efficiency , excellence, trust and commitment in accordance with the nation value and aspiration. Our all programs are based on the heritage of leadership and innovation generated by inspiring vision governed by on compromising missionary zeal and fueled by modern technologies our success reflects in the confidence, attitude and behavior of our students with the belief that their today is better than yesterday and the best is yet to come!"

AIM- Excellence in Education

Our vision is to develop leaders through Quality education.


Quality of Education
  • Q - Quality of Education
  • U - Quest of excellence
  • A - Action to achieve success
  • L-Leadership Quality
  • | - Innovation
  • T - Team Spirit
  • Y - Yard stick to measure progress.
  • E - To eradicate ignorance and illiteracy.
  • D- To develop a seance of discipline.
  • U - To utilize the power of understanding.
  • C -To cultivate a sense of curiosity and creativity.
  • A- To Acquire the quality of tolerance
  • T- To teach new thoughts.
  • | - To inculcate interest for acquiring knowledge.
  • O-To be obedient to elders.
  • N - To be roble and humble.
  • Ravi Kr. Verma (Director)

Message from Director Desk...

We want students to leave The Ocean Global School as confident young people who will aspire to great things. We want them to leave having developed the knowledge and skills which will allow them to do this. We want them to be good people, with their own moral purpose, treating others with respect and understanding, and having an appreciation of different views and cultures. We want them to care; to be eloquent and passionate; to be critical thinkers making reasoned choices; to have a vision of the world which extends beyond the boundaries of their town and their country, who are interested in what is going on in the world and care enough to want to make a difference.

We believe in the potential of our students and in our ability to help them reach it. We have, and uphold, high expectations of all of our students and, as such, we have high expectations of ourselves. We expect students to meet our code of conduct; we uphold a strong sense of discipline because we care. We want every student to learn in the most focused, calm and consistent of surroundings.

We offer a curriculum that stretches and challenges, where knowledge and revision is at the heart. We emphasis the importance of silent study and individual application which allows for pace and challenge in every lesson. We strive for consistency and fairness in all our dealings, being open about our expectations with our whole community.

“We are proud to be The Ocean Global School and we stand together.”
Thank you........

  • Ravi Kr. Verma (Director)
  • Sonika Verma (Principal)

Message from Principal Desk...

Education plays on important role in enabling a person to face a real life situation with adequate knowledge. School is a temple of learning and The Ocean Global School we are making our best effort to give quality education to our students.

It is only after leaving school that one really appreciates the feeling of having belonged to the school. This general feeling of "Belonging", of being wanted is so necessary to our happiness; but here at school now we seem to take it so much for granted, whether we are a part of a sports team, or class or club, or, yes even part of The Ocean Global School Family.

Just as every pupil gains something from school, so he or she gives something in return either good or bad depending on the giver. See that what you give to the school is worth giving work hard, play hard, give your best at all times do nothing which will harm your school's good name and vour parent's as well.

Thank you........

  • Sonika Verma (Principal)
Welcome to Our The Ocean Global School

Best Education in Our Kindergarden

(1,5 – 2 years)

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Pre-K Program
(4 – 5 years)

Since have been vsnary arenre reabe software enneern partne have been and visionary

(2 – 3 years)

Since have been vsnary arenre reabe software enneern partne have been and visionary

(3 – 4 years)

Since have been vsnary arenre reabe software enneern partne have been and visionary

About Our The Ocean Global School

Special Attention For Every Child

  • Exhibit a collaborative approach to learning.
  • Plan and adhere to timeliness.
  • Demonstrate positive attitude.
  • Take criticisms positively.
  • Have an effective communication skill.
  • Identity their strengths and weakness.
  • Participate in activities involving arts, science & culture.
  • Exhibit honestly and integrity.
  • Display a scientific temperament.
  • Identify causes and effects of stress on themselves.

A student should have at least a minimum of 70% and maximum of 85% attendance in an academic year.


Summer Timing -7:55 AM

Winter Timing - 8:25 AM


Summer Timing : Arrival: - 8:00 AM , Dismissal :- 2:10 PM

Winter Timing : Arrival: - 8:30 AM , Dismissal :- 2:40 PM

Note : Timing May be Changed from Time to Time


Principal meeting time 10:30 am to 12:00 Pm. The office shall remain close on Sunday and al public declared under the N.I. Act., Govt. of India.


There are normally four examinations.

June - First

October - F.A

January - Half Yearly

March - Second FA

In each academic year. A student who is absent for F.A tests and S.A tests will not be retested. Absent from a subject includes a students from being reckoned in order of merit in the examination under no condition will written test / examination be taken oral.

The Answer paper of the final exams are not shown if the need arises then the principal and the administrator will probe the matter and their findings and decision will be final such matters should be brought up for consideration within a fortnight of the distribution of report cart and not later.

Examination norms and criteria for promotion

The school conducts two formative assessment (FA) and two summative assessment (SA) performance in these exams & tests, students are promoted to the next higher standard are compulsory for students. Absence from any exam / test may affect the final result student can be exempted from these assessments on medical ground.



Age 03 - 04



Age 10 - 12



Total Boys



Total Girls